Classic wardrobe with goldenSectional Portale Classic style wardrobe modular composed by two two doors elements characterized by the frames finely carved and enriched by golden bordersINFO&PRICE REQUEST « back to Sectional Portale HOME › luxury furniture › Cabinets › Sectional Portale
Wardrobe modular PortaleClassic style lacquered modular wardrobe portale, composed by two two doors elements and overdoor bridge...
Classic wardrobe with open compartment central area Classic style modular wardrobe composed by two two doors elements and double door element with...
Modular wardrobe with recessClassic style modular wardrobe composed by two two doors elements and one bridge element to...
Classic wardrobe cornerBig classic style wardrobe with corner element: the wardrobe entirely realized by Italian artisans, presents...
Classic recessed wardrobeBig recessed wardrobe of the collections of classic luxury furniture for the sleeping area. The...
Classic wardrobe five doorsBig classic wardrobe with five doors, composed by two lateral two doors elements and one...
Classic wardrobe with two two doors elementsClassic style wardrobe modular composed by two two doors elements, the doors and the frame...
Classic wardrobe with goldenClassic style wardrobe modular composed by two two doors elements characterized by the frames finely...
Classic wardrobe with pillarsClassic style wardrobe modular composed by two two doors elements characterized by the frames finely...
Classic wardrobe cornerModular wardrobe with corner element, realized in Italy in classic style, with elegant carvings and...
Classic wardrobe modular, detailClassic style wardrobe modular characterized by the antiqued finish, by the carvings and by the...
Modular classic wardrobe, detailClassic style modular wardrobe: detail of the carvings, the floral decorations and the rich handles...
Classic modular wardrobe, detailClassic style modular wardrobe with antiqued finish and golden borders. Detail of the bronze shell-shaped...
Classic corner wardrobe white and goldBig classic style corner wardrobe: to the majesty of the dimensions are accompanied the rich...
Classic modular wardrobe, detailClassic modular wardrobe: here presented the richness of the white and gold finish, the carved...
Classic modular wardrobe with pillarsClassic style modular wardrobe white and gold. Carved and golden lateral pillars, golden borders, rich...
Classic modular wardrobe decorated and goldenClassic modular wardrobe: here presented the richness of the white and gold finish, the carved...
Classic modular wardrobe with six doorsClassic modular wardrobe with six doors, composed by three double elements. The wardrobe is characterized...
Classic modular wardrobe, detail of the carvings and goldenClassic modular wardrobe: here presented the richness of the white and gold finish, the carved...
Classic sectional wardrobe, detailClassic sectional wardrobe: here are visible the refined white over gold finishing, the golden carvings,...