Classic furniture Vimercati on magazine “Adam&Eve”
We publish the interview that was published in the reputable magazine "Adam&Eve" realized by Dr. Dima Danawi with Engineer Umberto Vimercati. As of July, "Adam&Eve" will change its name to "Al Sarab" and considered as one of the most luxurious magazines distributed in Kuwait and read by the Arab elite societies. It is present today in Kuwait, Lebanon and the U.A.E. For further information about the stores where you can find our products or for any other question, you can contact us by e- ...

Vimercati Meda: adv on “Style” – Special KingSize 2010 Moscow
We want to draw your attention on the advertising page about King-size Moscow special that will appear in the next issue of the magazine “Style”. We are pleased to inform our readers that we will attend the next worldwide showroom in Moscow, at Crocus Expo Centre from 6th to 9th October 2010 Hall 5 - Stand C 24. Please feel free to contact us at export@vimercatimeda.it or dial 0362/70023 Monday-Saturday 9.00a.m- 12.00a.m and 2.00p.m-7.30p.m. Good Job!

Vimercati on Web Design Handbook
Another important acknowledgement has now been included in our website www.vimercatimeda.it. We would like to draw your attention to our presence on the book “Web Design”, a book that gathers collections of web pages from all over the world and hundreds of examples showing the numerous possibilities provided by new technologies. This book, besides showing the basics of graphic design –the use of colour, body types, and possible layouts – introduces possible animations of several elements ...

Vimercati, adv on Fashion Vip Magazine
We want to point out the advertising page that the magazine "Fashion Vip Magazine" published in the month of June. We want also to inform you that we will be close for holidays from 8th August to 22nd August. Please feel free to contact us at servizio.clienti@vimercatimeda.it or dial 0362/70023 Monday-Saturday from 9a.m. to 12.00 and from 2 p.m .to 7.30p.m. to enquire about our outlets where you can find our catalogue or for any further information you may need. Happy Holidays!

Some reviews on Vimercati classic production
We want to point out some reviews done by sites of foreign furniture and luxury items on the Vimercati production.

Vimercati Meda on Twitter
As you will have understood, for us to communicate is important, rather essential; and surely who is following us, will have understood that "communicate" means for us, above all "talk". Starting today Vimercati MEDA lands on one of the most popular social network: Twitter.

White and Gold collection on Interior Design Ukraine
We want to put in evidence a publication that the magazine ID Interior Design from Kiev Ukraine, published regarding our new products of the collection White and Gold.