New selling point in Kuwait and Furniture Atelier

After the brief summer break, Vimercati Classic Furniture reopen the doors of their showroom in Meda, presenting their new collections. Moreover, As of mid September, Vimercati Classic Furniture will inaugurate its first selling point in the Middle East. This beautiful initiative, fruit of the collaboration with “Sartoria Italia” (the reference of the Italian Luxury in Kuwait), will offer a prestigious exposure for our furniture in the Gulf Region, while ensuring a technical and professional support to our clients. In the meantime, a new section dedicated for “the customized classic luxury for every request” will be added in “the luxury classic Contract” page. Through this new division, Vimercati Classic Furniture will support the client in his elaboration for the project of villa, hotel residence… A very special thank you to our friends Luigi and Nicola for making Vimercati Classic Furniture an integral part of their amazing project “Furniture Atelier”. The luxurious Classic Furniture of Vimercati couldn’t be missed; therefore, an entire page has been dedicated to them where you can familiarize yourselves with our company and at the same time browse through our photo gallery where our most significant creations are featured. “Furniture Atelier” is a virtual Art Gallery where you can explore the ultimate expression of the proper creation.
We look forward to welcoming you and send my best regards to all our clients and to the Artistic Furniture lovers. For further information about the stores where you can find our products or for any other question, you can contact us by e-mail at or call 0039 0362 70 023 from Monday to saturday from 9:00 to 12:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Good Jobs!